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Saturday, January 07, 2006

Christmas has been put away Today 

Well we did it two days (I started before mom was ready) and a whole lot of work latter and the house is no longer a Christmas place. The boxes are all up in the attic and we are making the house look like it does 48 weeks of the year. The only problem is that now I have to start thinking about what to do with the rest of my life. I am applying for jobs left and right but it is not working right now and I am getting worried that I will be right here in this same room in my mom's house making little money and unable to move out on my own. This is what is happening to a friend of mine who got out of school in 2002 and is still living with her parents and unlike me she has a car. I am unsure were to turn and what to do so this does not happen to me!
All I know is that I need to get out of LA but that as of right now I don't have the money to move. If I stay here through in less I get a really great job (which I don't have the resume for) I am going to be stuck in this house because the cost of rent any were that would not freak my mom out is way too much. The other thing is that I can't go in with a roommate because all the people I now around here I could not live with!

Okay, I'm going to go all mom-like here, and make some suggestions....

1) take a deep breath. lots of people go through this after graduation.

2) go back to temping in the meantime. it's not what you want to do for forever, but it'll help you gather that nest egg.

3) find out about email lists, blogs, networking events, etc. for your desired profession. get to know people and issues in your field.

4) or try something entirely different, y'know, Peace Corps or something. :)

and don't lose hope.
I was going through the post Christmas blues

And was just thinking about packing stuff up and would it be in my own place or not
But I will try the stuff you talked about
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