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Friday, February 10, 2006

Good News I Think 

I found out that I don't have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Which is good but I do have tendinitis. So the whole not moving the wrist thing was a good thing. I think I did it at my kick boxing class. It means that I have to watch what I do and will wear the splint from now on in class. The bad part of this is that my right wrist is starting to bug me because it is not use to all the work it has been doing.

The other thing is the runny nose which I had during the fall semester is back. This means I am back with the saline nasal spray, Antihistamine, and gargling warm salt water. I hope that this all works, so I will feel better. The problem is not so much the nose but the fact it ends up bugging my throat. This is why I work so hard at stopping it.

The only good thing is I am not going to work until it least Wednesday because I start jury duty Tuesday and the temp agency knows about it so they will not send me any work until after I am done with it and this is the same for any other job I have put in for.

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